To:    Department Heads, Directors, Managers and Supervisors

Fr:     Katharine Hullinger, Risk Manager, Environmental Health & Safety

Re:    Announcing campus notification procedures for potential workplace exposure to COVID‐19


Effective January 1, all potential worksite exposures to COVID-19 will be reported by UC Santa Barbara, as required by new Cal/OSHA standards (AB 685).  This new legislation requires California employers to provide notice to their employees (including staff employees, academic employees and student employees) and the employers of subcontracted employees of potential exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace within one business day.

In the event that the UC Santa Barbara COVID-19 Response Team identifies instances of a potential exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace, the impacted department will be notified and instructed to follow the campus notice requirements posted on the website of Environmental Health & Safety at

Questions about the notice process or the campus instructions can be submitted to the following email addresses for Environmental Health & Safety or Human Resources.

·        Questions for Environmental Health & Safety should be sent to the Risk Management unit at

·        Questions for Human Resources should be sent to the Employee & Labor Relations unit, using this email address:


Additional information about the campus’ COVID-19 testing and reporting procedures is posted at