TO: Faculty and Staff
FR: Janelle Mirzaei, Health Care Facilitator, Human Resources
RE:  OE-Medical Plan Comparison webinar is tomorrow
Our last Open Enrollment Medical Plan Comparison webinar is scheduled for tomorrow, Nov. 10th at 3 p.m. If you are considering changing your medical plan during Open Enrollment we encourage you to attend this webinar or you can listen to the recorded version at your convenience. 
The OE Event Flyer will provide you with the Medical Plan Comparison Zoom link and passcode information.
Medical Plan Comparison video
Visit the Open Enrollment Website for details on UC benefits and 2023 plan changes.
If you are happy with your current plans, you do not need to do anything during open enrollment with the exception of the Health (FSA) and Dependent Flexible Spending Accounts (DepFSA).  You must re-enroll in the FSA plans every year during Open Enrollment if you wish to make pre-tax contributions.
Reminder: Open Enrollment ends Friday, Nov. 18 at 5 p.m.
Thank you.