Monday, April 8 2019
TO: Campus Community
FR: Karen Rasmussen, Emeriti/Retirees Center – Human Resources
RE: Chancellor’s Reception to Honor New Retirees
The annual Chancellor’s Reception to Honor New Retirees will be held this year at the Mosher Alumni House on Monday, May 20, to honor our recent retirees, and staff and faculty who plan to retire in 2019.
Although separate departmental events may be held to recognize the individual contributions of these staff and faculty and honor their service, this event - coordinated by the UCSB Emeriti/Retirees Center in HR and the Retirees/Emeriti Associations and hosted by the Chancellor – is an opportunity to celebrate retirements and to welcome new retirees as members of the wider university community.
Please notify appropriate staff and faculty in your department about the event and encourage them to attend.
Mosher Alumni House, Alumni Hall
4:30pm to 6pm, on Monday, May 20, 2019
Who Is Invited
Newly retired staff and faculty and those retiring in 2019, plus a guest
How to Respond
Contact Karen Rasmussen at or x2168
Responses are requested as soon as possible, but no later than May 15, 2019