Monday, September 9 2019

TO:  Campus Community

FR:  Kirsten Olson, Ph.D., Academic and Staff Assistance Program Manager, Human Resources

RE:  ASAP Wellness Workshop:  How to Financially Survive a Long-Term Care Illness

Date and Time:  Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 12:05 to 12:55 pm

Location:  Human Resources Learning Center, 3101DD Student Affairs and Administrative Services Building (SAASB)

RSVP: or (805) 893-3318

Explore the variety of ways to pay for this potentially devastating event. Statistics show that you or a family member will require care during your lifetime. The only way to be in the driver’s seat is to fully understand the scope of the issue so you can plan ahead. You will learn about the current costs for care in our community and all the options you have available to pay for it.

Presented by:  Diane Doiron, CLU, Doiron Financial Associates