Monday, June 3 2019

TO:  Campus Community

FR:  Kirsten Olson, Ph.D., Academic and Staff Assistance Program Manager, Human Resources

RE:  ASAP Wellness Workshop:  Helping Students with ADHD Thrive in College

Date and Time:  Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 12:05 to 12:55 pm
Location:  Human Resources Learning Center, 3101DD Student Affairs and Administrative Services Building (SAASB)
RSVP: or (805) 893-3318

Our traditional higher education system is not designed for students with neurodevelopmental differences. Whether they carry a historical diagnosis or discover their attentional difficulties in college, students with ADHD may have significant difficulties adjusting to the demands of university academics and daily living. We will discuss various strengths and weaknesses for students with ADHD, how university staff and faculty can help identify these students, and resources both on and off campus to help students with ADHD thrive.

Presented by:  Jocelyn Levitan, Ph.D., Staff Psychologist, CAPS