Monday, March 25 2019

TO:  Campus Community

FR:  Kirsten Olson, Ph.D., Academic and Staff Assistance Program Manager, Human Resources

RE:  ASAP Wellness Workshop:  Defining a Successful Childhood in a Pressure-Cooker World

Date and Time:  Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 12:05 to 12:55 pm
Location:  Human Resources Learning Center, 3101DD Student Affairs and Administrative Building (SAASB)
RSVP: or (805) 893-3318

The recent college admissions scandal has brought to light many of the challenges faced by young people.  The pressure to perform, succeed, and gain admission to "selective" colleges has led to an increase in anxiety disorders and other mental health problems in today's youth.  Dr. Smith will discuss some facts about college outcomes, the data on mental health issues in teens and how we can help our kids define what it truly means to be successful.

Presented by:  Steve Smith, Ph.D., Associate Teaching Professor, CCSP Graduate Advisor & Director of Clinical Training