All minors under 18 years of age employed in the State of California must have a permit to work regardless if school is in session, unless the minor has a high school diploma or a GED.

How to Obtain a Work Permit in Santa Barbara County

Other Related Resources


Consistent with the University’s policy on equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in employment, any career, contract, limited, or casual-restricted (student) appointment of a near relative in the same department is not permitted without prior approval of an exception to policy request. The appointment must be justified as being in the best interest of the University. To avoid a conflict of interest, an employee may not participate in the process of reviewing or decision-making on any matter concerning the appointment, promotion, salary, retention, termination, or other management decisions or personnel-related decisions regarding a near relative. Prior approval by the Chancellor, the Director of Human Resources or their designee is required before an offer to hire is made. For the purpose of this policy, a near relative is defined as a spouse, domestic partner, parent, child,  sibling, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, or first cousin. In-laws and step-relatives in the relationships listed, including relatives of the domestic partner who would be covered if the domestic partner were the employee’s spouse, are also defined as near relatives.


If you wish to hire Administrative/Clerical or Accounting staff on a strictly temporary basis, you may use the following UC systemwide agreement that is currently available for the vendor listed below.  UC systemwide agreements are also available for Information Technology staff to be hired on a strictly temporary basis.  For more information, please contact Employment.

AppleOne Employment Services (Strategic Sourcing Agreement #088/OP/081)

  • Administrative/Clerical
  • Accounting
  • Light Industrial/Trades (please notify Employment)

1636 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805)569-9024, Office
(805)569-8763, Fax
website: www.appleone.com


Volunteer staff appointments without salary are to be utilized whenever an individual volunteers their assistance or services to the University and receives no compensation. Individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to the University provide an important service to the University and help further its mission of teaching, research and public service. In turn, volunteers gain valuable experiences and a sense of personal satisfaction.

The UCSB Guidelines for Volunteer Services are intended to help promote a productive, safe and mutually beneficial environment for volunteers and for the campus by setting appropriate expectations and clarifying roles and responsibilities for both volunteers and their sponsoring department or unit.