Friday, March 2 2018

TO:       Staff and Faculty

FR:       Lisa Romero, Benefits Manager, Human Resources    

RE:        Preparing for Retirement

You are invited to join representatives from the Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) for our annual Preparing for Retirement presentation. This two hour presentation is geared for those considering retiring from the University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP) within the next 5 years or just want more detailed information about the pension. Topics will include understanding the UCRP pension benefits, retirement savings, and retiree health coverage.

Date & Time:  Monday, March 5, 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.  (no registration required)

Location: Corwin Pavilion

The presentation slides are available for you to print and bring with you to the event.  

Link to Flyer and presentation

The following representatives will be available for questions immediately following the presentation:

·      Travis Moyer and Ashley Eigenauer,  RASC presenters

·      Tami Schmittgen, Benefits Supervisor

·      Rebecca Preza, Health Care Facilitator

Cesar Cap, Fidelity Retirement Planner & Andrew Fung, Retirement Planner Director

If you are unable to attend this event, you have the option to attend a webinar version. Here is a link to the schedule: