(Approved June 24, 2019) 

(Amended June 1, 2021)

(Amended May 30, 2023)

Note:  The following expanded and revised Bylaws were prepared by research and in part extraction from those of other University of California campuses.  Specifically, acknowledgement is given to the purloin of some of the guidelines established and in use by the Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Santa Cruz campuses.



This organization, established on March 31, 1978, is the UC Santa Barbara Emeriti/ae Association, hereafter referred to as the Association.


The mission of the Association is to enhance the welfare of Emeriti/ae, their spouses or domestic partners, and their surviving domestic spouses or domestic partners; and to foster a positive relationship between Emeriti/ae and the University of California. 


The objectives of the Association are limited to:

  1. Helping Emeriti/ae transition from their active careers to retirement status;

  2. Providing opportunities for Association members to maintain social and professional contact with their colleagues;

  3. Providing a variety of educational, cultural, and social programs;

  4. Providing opportunities for service to UC Santa Barbara and to students;

  5. Helping Emeriti/ae retain benefits, rights and privileges granted upon retirement;

  6. Encouraging Emeriti/ae to engage in scholarly activities and other endeavors that contribute to the mission of the University of California;

  7. Fostering a positive relationship with the Santa Barbara Division of the Academic Senate and with the campus administration;

  8. Informing Emeriti/ae of matters of interest;

  9. Collaborating with the UC Santa Barbara Retirees Association on activities and matters of shared interest;

  10. Working collaboratively with the Center for Emeriti/ae and Retirees;

  11. Publicizing the contributions of Emeriti/ae to the University; and

  12. Acting in concert with Emeriti/ae Associations on other campuses under the auspices of the Council of the University of California Emeriti Associations (CUCEA).


There are three categories of membership in the Association—Regular, Associate, and Honorary: 

Section 1.  Regular Members are (a) members of the Academic Senate at UC Santa Barbara or another University of California campus who have retired; (b) non-Academic Senate members with the title of Lecturer with Security of Employment, Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment, Continuing Lecturer or Continuing Senior Lecturer prior to their retirement; (c) Librarian members of the Librarians Association of the University of California at the time of their retirement; (d) non-Academic Senate member professional researchers with the title of Assistant, Associate, or Researcher at the time of retirement. 

Section 2.  Associate Members (a) are spouses or domestic partners of Regular Members, (b) surviving spouses and domestic partners of Regular Members who died, (c) surviving spouses and domestic partners of former Academic Senate members who died in service while eligible to retire; or (d) those who held regular faculty positions, positions of comparable status at other universities.

Section 3.  Honorary Members are retired persons who are ineligible for Regular or Associate membership and whose dedication, commitment, and academic leadership at UC Santa Barbara have significantly enriched the substance of and/or contributed positively to the academic goals of UC Santa Barbara and/or the Emeriti Association.  No more than three Honorary memberships can be awarded in any given fiscal year, and they must be nominated by two regular Association members who document the qualifications of the nominee prior to review and approval by a majority vote of the Association’s Board. 

Section 4. Member Privileges. Regular, Associate, and Honorary Members may participate in all activities of the organization, including the privilege of voting on all ballots and resolutions, except that the right to be a candidate for the office of President, Vice President (President-Elect), CUCEA Representative or Alternate is reserved only for Regular Members.


Section 1.  The Fiscal Year of the Association is July 1 through the following June 30.

Section 2.  Two Annual Scheduled General Meetings of the Association membership will be held each year, one in the fall and other in the spring.

  1. The fall meeting is the principal meeting for welcoming new Emeriti/ae members and will also include an address by the UC Santa Barbara Chancellor and/or a designated senior academic administrator, as well as the conduct of new Association business should the need arise.

  2. The spring meeting serves as the annual business meeting in which reports from Officers, Standing Committee Chairs, and the Coordinator of the UC Santa Barbara Emeriti/ae and Retiree Center are presented. The results of the election of Officers and Board Members-at-Large for the subsequent years are reported and ratified during this meeting.

  3. Additional general meetings of the Association may be scheduled as deemed necessary by the Association Board or at the request of ten or more Regular Members of the Association.

  4. Association members should be notified of all general meetings at least 15 business days in advance using the standard media used by the UC Santa Barbara Emeriti/ae and Retiree Center.

Section 3.  Quorum.  The members present (two or more) shall constitute a quorum for the annual business and all other general meetings of the Association.

Section 4.  Records.  Paper and electronic records of the Association, including its general and Board meetings, shall be recorded by the Association’s Secretary and retained for a period of at least 7 years by UC Santa Barbara Emeriti/ae and Retiree Center staff. 


Section 1.  Annual Dues of Regular, and Honorary, Associate members, the cost of lifetime memberships, and all other assessments shall be determined by the Association Board and approved by a majority vote of the general membership at the spring business meeting.

Section 2.  Limitations.  This Association may not:

  1. Incur any debt in excess of the funds in its treasury; 

  2. Levy any extra assessments against the Association’s membership except for Board-approved annual and lifetime dues and/or charges sufficient to defray the costs of services or goods provided to members and guest participants in the Association’s special programs. 


Section 1.  Officers.  The Association has four officers:  President, Vice President (President-Elect), Secretary, and Treasurer.  The Officers must be Regular Members of the Association.

Section 2.  Terms.  The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected for two-year terms and eligible for re-election for up to two additional two-year terms (up to a total of 6-years of service) for the same Officer position.  The beginning and ending of terms of the four Officers shall coincide with the fiscal year.  The normative succession sequence is that the current Vice President stands for election to President at the conclusion of the President’s two-year term.  However, if willing, the President may indicate he/she is interested in serving an additional second or third two-year term by including her/his name among the nominees at the next election cycle. 

Section 3.  Elections.  Candidates for the four officers of the Association and for Members-at-Large shall be identified and nominated by the Committee on Nominations.  Suggestions of candidates for these positions shall be solicited from the membership at large at least 60 days prior to the spring business meeting.  Once the slate of candidates for each position has been established by the Committee on Nominations, email or postal ballots shall be sent to all members in good standing at least 14 days before the Spring Business Meeting.  The results of the election shall be announced and ratified at the Spring Business Meeting.

Section 4.  Vacancies.  In the event the President or Vice President resigns or is otherwise unable to complete a two-year term, a new nomination/election cycle will be triggered.  A vacancy occurring in the Secretary or Treasurer positions may be filled for the remaining term by an individual nominated by a majority vote of the Committee on Nominations and approved by majority votes of the Association’s Board.  

Section 5.  Officer Duties are as follows:

  1. The President is charged with providing leadership for the Association and representing it to the public at large.  Specific duties include presiding over the meetings of the Association Board and the general meetings of the Association; coordinating actions with the other Officers; serving as an ex-officio member of all standing committees of the Association; working in a liaison capacity with the Chair of the Academic Senate Committee on Emeriti/ae and Retirement and campus senior academic administrators; assisting the Emeriti and Retiree Center Coordinator in preparing and editing the Center’s newsletter; approving all checks and disbursements issued by the Treasurer; and performing other duties as may be required by the Association.  In the event the Treasurer is unavailable to sign checks in a timely manner, the President is also authorized to sign checks.  

  2. The Vice President will serve as an ex officio member of all standing committees of the Association and ex officio representative to other campus community organizations as determined by the Association’s Board.  He/she will also assume all the duties of the President if the President is unable to perform them as well as assisting if any Officer is absent.

  3. The Secretary, assisted by staff of the Emeriti/ae and Retiree Center, is responsible for preparing and managing the minutes of all meetings of the Association as well as the Association’s Board.  The Secretary shall maintain an up-to-date copy of the Bylaws and be responsible for records of decisions and actions of the Association Board and letters of gratitude, condolence, and any other correspondence on behalf of the Board.

  4. The Treasurer, assisted by staff of the Emeriti/ae and Retiree Center, serves as the custodian of the Association’s funds, including managing its accounting processes; collecting dues and charges; paying all approved bills; presenting a complete statement of the Association’s financial affairs and standing of the organization at business meetings; and, with the President’s approval, signs checks.   In the event the Treasurer is unavailable to sign checks in a timely manner, the President is also authorized to sign checks.  This officer shall present an annual financial statement, and such other financial statements as may be requested, to the Association Board and its members at the Spring business meeting.


Section 1. Membership.  The Association Board shall consist of the Officers, CUCEA Representative and Alternate, Chairs of the Standing Committees, and up to an additional twelve elected Members-at-Large.  To the extent possible, the Association Board should strive for representation from the three Colleges (Creative Studies; Letters and Science; Engineering), Professional Schools and Programs (Bren School of Environmental Science and Management; Gevirtz Graduate School of Education; Technology Management Program), and other units whose retirees are eligible for membership (Library, ORU’s). The Coordinator of the UCSB Emeriti and Retirees Center is an ex officio, non-voting member of the Board. 

Section 2.  Terms.  Members-at-Large are elected for two-year, staggered terms.  If a member-at-large cannot complete his/her term of office, the Association Board, after consultation with the Committee on Nominations, and by a majority vote, may appoint a replacement to serve for the duration of said term.  Members-at-Large shall be eligible for re-election for up to two additional two-year terms (up to a total of 6-years of service) for the same position.  The beginning and ending of terms of the Members-at-Large shall coincide with the fiscal year.  

Section 3.  Vacancies.  When/if Standing Committee Chairs and Members-at-large vacancies occur, potential appointees shall be identified and nominated by the Committee on Nominations and the positions filled by a majority vote of the Association Board.  The appointee(s) filling these vacancies shall serve until the end of the fiscal year following the next spring business meeting of the Association.  Interested appointees shall stand for election to the position on the Board at the spring business meeting and, if successful and willing, shall also be eligible for re-election to a second or third two-year term at a subsequent spring business meeting.

Section 4.  Duties.  The Association Board is charged with the general oversight and management of the affairs of the Association as broadly defined in

ARTICLE III -- OBJECTIVESThe Association Board is intended to be advisory to the President and it brings to the discussions the views of the other Officers, Chairs of the Standing Committees, and the CUCEA Representative’s knowledge of systemwide Emeriti/ae affairs.

Section 5. Meetings.  The Association Board will meet at least two times per year, preceding each General Meeting.  Additional meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of Board members.


Section 1. Representative Selection.  A Representative and an Alternate shall be selected by the Association Board to represent the Association on the Council of University of California Emeriti/ae Associations (CUCEA).  Preferably, but not necessarily, selections are to be made from members of the Association Board. 

Section 2. Term.  The Representative and Alternative shall serve two-year terms for the sake of continuity on the University Council and shall be eligible for reappointment for an additional second or third two-year term (up to a total of 6-years of service).

Section 3. CUCEA Meetings.  The Representative shall attend the bi-annual meetings of the CUCEA.  In the absence of the Representative the Alternate shall attend. 

Section 4. Duties.  The Representative shall convey to the Council information regarding campus initiatives in meeting the needs and interests of UC Santa Barbara Emeriti/ae and, in turn, inform the Association Board regarding actions of the CUCEA relating to the general welfare of Emeriti/ae.  The Representative, working in concert with the Association Board, is also responsible for preparing and/or adapting the CUCEA form used triennially to solicit biobibliographic information from UC Santa Barbara Association members; overseeing and working with the Center for Emeriti/ae and Retirees to distribute, collect, and analyze member survey responses; and communicating summary results to the Association’s Board and membership, appropriate campus senior academic officers, and the CUCEA.  


Section 1.  Standing Committee Chairs and Members. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the President, with the advice of the Association Board, will appoint standing committees and their Chairs for an initial two-year term, with options for re-appointment to a second or third, 2-year term.  The Emeriti and Retiree Center Coordinator will provide logistical support for each of the following standing committee Chairs:  

  1. The Committee on Nominations is charged with informing newly retired faculty about membership in the Association; maintaining the Association Board roster and membership records; and searching for, selecting, and nominating individuals from the membership in advance of the Spring business meeting to serve as the Association’s Officers and Board Members-at-Large.  It also assists with the selection of committee members and advises the naming of Chairs of the Standing Committees.  The Committee shall also recommend nominees to the Association Board for (a) the systemwide Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti/ae Award for outstanding scholarly work or educational service by a UC Santa Barbara Emeriti/ae in the humanities or social sciences since retirement and (b) the Edward A. Dickson Emeriti/ae Professorship Award to persons of academic rank for service, research, teaching, or leadership.  In turn, the Board- recommended nominee for each of these two awards shall be communicated by the Association’s President, who will work with the Executive Vice Chancellor or his/her designate to select and publicize the UC Santa Barbara campus nominees.   

  2. The Committee on Membership shall act on matters pertaining to membership in the Association. Matters of eligibility for membership in the Association shall be referred to the Association Board for final decision. The Committee shall maintain an accurate roster of Regular and Associate Members as well as reach out to new Emeriti/ae for possible membership in the Association.  

  3. The Committee on Programs shall plan and implement the educational, cultural, and social programs for the Association; formulate an annual schedule of general and special interest activities for the Association and submit it to the Association Board for approval; generate publicity for the programs; and make arrangements for the time and location of its approved programs.  At the request of the President and/or Board, the Committee also shall be responsible for providing support for Association meetings, including social and hospitality activities, refreshments, decorations, and other aspects of its programs.

  4. The Committee on Communication serves as advocates for the Emeriti Association through communication with campus leadership, the Academic Senate Council on Faculty Welfare, and the Association’s current and future membership. The Committee is charged with designing and implementing outreach efforts from the Association to better inform the academic administrative leadership about the Association’s continuing benefits to the campus as a whole, communicate with the Association’s current membership via a range of internet website and social media links, as well as reach out to future potential Association members who will soon make the transition from their regular academic duties to an active, post-retirement status. These duties include cooperating with other Association committees in generating publicity for the Association’s functions, as well as the achievements of its members, and providing communication links and supporting their technical aspects pertinent to the dissemination of information of interest to its membership.

Section 2.  Ad-Hoc Committees shall also be constituted by the President acting in consultation with the Association Board as needs arise.


In the event of dissolution of the Association its assets shall be transferred within an appropriate time to the UC Santa Barbara Foundation, as designated by the Chancellor, for purposes consistent with the terms of any individual gifts and purposes of the Association. 


Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the parliamentary authority governing this Association. 


Section 1.  Amendment Proposals.  Proposed amendments to these bylaws may originate either from a majority vote of the Association Board or from a petition to the Secretary signed by ten or more Association members.

Section 2.  Deliberative Process.  Information about the proposed amendments to be voted upon at the spring or fall annual business meetings must be made readily available on standard media used by staff in the Emeriti/ae and Retiree Center and the Association.  The text of the proposed amendments must be posted on the Association’s website and available in print form upon request at least ten working days prior to one of the two annual business meetings.    

Section 3.  Adoption Process.  To be adopted, a proposed amendment must receive a majority vote of the members present at the business meeting of the Association.